17 JUN 2010: New Straits Times: Fadhal A. Ghani: Terror plot foiled
10 JUN 2010: Dr. Lim Teck Ghee: Malaysia: A ‘bankrupt’ nation?
07 JUN 2010: New Straits Times: Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah: Tom yam link to Thai bombings
27 MAY 2010: Dr. Lim Teck Ghee: Economic tsunami heading our way
13 APR 2010: Helen Ang: Unspoken truth behind Muhyiddin’s ‘small fry’ remark
02 APR 2010: The Malaysian Insider: Muslim lawyers challenge Sultan’s decision (This Jihad against the Sultan is the opening salvo in the Malay civil war, in which the totally-Islamized faction of the Malay race, turned into race traitors by Islam, attack the ultimate living symbol and power of their own race's Islamically-impure culture and history. This is what you get when Islam takes hold: Jihad against your own people, blood against blood, family against family, friend against friend.)
02 APR 2010: Free Malaysia Today: Push for Sabah, S'wak's independence: Next stop UN
31 MAR 2010: Al Jazeera video, transcribed by Bintulu.org: Chinese, Indian feel discriminated against, don’t talk shit says Perkasa:
19 JAN 2010: Free Malaysia Today: US threatens sanctions over missing jets and church attacks
18 JAN 2010: The Straits Times: Leslie Lopez (via The Malaysian Insider): Bringing foreign capital back to KL
18 JAN 2010: The Malaysian Insider: Malaysia’s subsidy dilemma
17 JAN 2010: M. Bakri Musa: Early skirmishes of a Malay civil war
15 JAN 2010: Anil Netto: Another church in Seremban targeted
13 JAN 2010: Free Malaysia Today: Money leaving Malaysia in massive amounts and bizarre fashion
11 JAN 2010: Asia Sentinel: Malaysia's Disastrous Capital Flight
11 JAN 2010: Asia Times Online: Ioannis Gatsiounis: Bombs tarnish Malaysia's terror record
08 JAN 2010: Malaysia Today:
08 JAN 2010: BUUUUURRRRNING HOT: Malaysian Churches Attacked Over ‘Allah Row’